
Five images from the golf course (strictly speaking a pitch and putt course for the pedantic).

Spot the ball!

The first is my one and only attempt at an action shot with the KMZ FT2. An overly ambitious exercise … which worked! The photo-gods were smiling on me that day. The following fore! (sorry, couldn’t resist) are all more orthodox panoramic landscapes. The course is on the north coast of Cornwall and to a non-golfer truly is a good walk, spoilt. The scenery is fabulous and the views stunning. Fortunately I wasn’t playing, simply acting as caddy for my wife, or “carrying the wife’s sticks” as it was affectionately termed by her little (six foot six at least) brother.

I had a big issue with light leaks with my Cornish panoramic films through the KMZ FT2. Unfortunately, the family-orientated nature of the twelve days meant I wasn’t able to follow all my usual procedures so I cannot determine what the reason was. I’m back home now so the next few rolls will be very carefully handled and full notes kept.

The film used was Fomapan 100 and I developed all three rolls that I used in Cornwall using Pyrocat-HD as part of my ongoing project. Despite the light leaks however I was very pleased with those that did turn out; this film and developer combination is doing me proud.

Author: Dave Whenham

Grandfather, husband, father and photographer… but not necessarily in that order. Find me at

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